Monday, August 01, 2005

Robot Rules?

Yup, familiar with the photo shown above? Correct! Taken from the movie "I Robot", the plot is in the year of 2035, robot are an everyday household item and everyone trust them, except one detective, cast by Will Smith investigate what he believes a crime pepetrated by a robot, soon he discover a far more frightening threat to the human race, the robot tends to rule the world.

Well, you may think, " mah, everything can happend", but did you ever heard of scientist of technology is trying to create a feeling for computer, and they success to do it and we call it A.I, artificial intelligent. That is how traffic light work, ATM machine that we use everyday, even the oven we use is AI, "it" know what the temperature are.

At this moment, they still doesn't had any feeling, emotion. What if one day, they have that feeling that we human do? We're Doom. Yeah, it is impossible, but in our last old times, walking on the moon is just a imagination, and what now? we are trying landing on technology is growing times by times.So i believe this thing will happend if we don't prepare for it. Others movie that same with this plot are, Matrix, Stealth, Red Planet...there will be more in future....Robot Rules?


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