Monday, July 23, 2007

Future Virtual Keyboard

The Future Virtual Keyboard comes with leather pouch

The Comparison of the size between palm keyboard and Belkin Networking hub.
The Virtual Keyboard shot out the laser screen on the surface, compare with actual keyboard

This is how it look like when you using the VK, but it will be slightly different from the normal keyboard.

A red laser projecting the keyboard beams from the top with the power supply at the lower left and reset settings on the bottom right. Latency settings allow for auto-shutoff if unused; if the unit is picked up, a sensor on the bottom automatically powers it down. The extended projection window/keyboard size was 3.5" x 11" with the VKB approximately 7.5" back from the opening projection line. In contrast, the space profile for the Belkin foldable was 3 5/8" x 10.5" and the thumb board simply attached to the PDA.

The VKB projects a QWERTY interface but users will find some of the keys are in the wrong place. This requires modification of one's typing style to suit the projection/setup. Tactile feedback a user receives from a typical keyboard is absent and takes some getting used to. At times I would find myself on the wrong keys and would have to look down in order to get the proper mount back. My typing did improve after spending some time with the unit but I found I had to constantly go back, edit and correct entries.

Information Taken From Tom's Hardware Preview.



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